篇名:Integration of modern GIS into orienteering course planning and map making
作者:梁志文(Chi-man Leung)
期刊/會議論文集名稱 :香港大學學位論文
(Uncorrected OCR)
Abstract of dissertation entitledIntegration of Modern GIS
into Orienteering Course Planning and Map Making
submitted byLEUNG Chi-manfor the Degree
of Master of Geographic Information Systemsat the University of Hong Kongin October 2003
Orienteering requires a map for course planning.
Course planning requires spatial decisions and is a crucial process
to achieve the success of an orienteering exercise.
A Geographic Information System (GIS)-based course-planning method, that provides capabilities
for integrating orienteering course planning and mapmaking, is presented.
The work arises from dissatisfaction with current cartography-based and field-intensive methods
for course planning and mapmaking.
The GIS-based planning method operationalizes practices of course planning from Hong Kong
and the International setting.
It provides alternative methods for course planning and mapmaking using GIS modelling techniques
and analytical power.
The GIS course planning method comprises two components:
spatial-data2acquisition, and course planning models.
The acquisition of spatial data by means of digital photogrammetry captures
and converts the map data necessary for both planning and orienteering map making.
This process replaces the traditional hand-drawing method of making an orienteering map.
The GIS course planning models make use of assessment tools in course-design scenario analysis
to assess paths of suitable difficulty levels.
The GIS course planning method is shown to produce reliable off-site assessment in course design
while reducing field efforts.
A prototype implementation of the GIS course planning method is presented in a case study
of Yuen Shan.
The prototype validates the theoretical approach of the method in handling spatial problems in course planning.
The principles of the method are drawn from similar studies in other kinds of sport and business retailing.
The reliability of the results is limited by the capabilities of the GIS.
More empirical studies are required to evaluate the contribution from the use of GISs
in orienteering course design.