瑞士隊的帥哥 目前世界積分排名第一的Daniel Hubmann 超帥!!!
女生組部分 更恐怖啦
世界積分第六的 捷克名將Dana Brozkova,
世界積分第三的 芬蘭姐姐 Heli Jukkola (很可愛)
以及 目前世界排名第一的 芬蘭選手 Minna Kauppi (很狂野 版主有她的簽名 )
連曾經贏過Simone的澳洲女將 Henny也將會到高雄
目前 看起來 女生的陣容比男子還恐怖阿~~~
呵呵 不過 漂亮美眉超多!!!
現在 一半的票都被訂光了~~~
The world’s best orienteers are travelling this summer to Kaohsiung, Chinese Taipei,
where The World Games takes place in mid-July.
Russia has already earlier confirmed the participation of a strong team headed by the reigning sprint world champion Andrey Khramov,
and now six more countries have nominated their athletes to the games.
Amongst others,
the world champions Dana Brozkova, Daniel Hubmann, Heli Jukkola and Minna Kauppi
are going to Kaohsiung to compete in two individual events - sprint and middle distance - and in relay.
To secure the highest possible quality of The World Games orienteering events,
the IOF has appointed a support group of experts to assist the local organisers.
The support group has visited the competition venues several times since 2006,
and is also currently in Kaohsiung.
Altogether twenty-one orienteering nations have qualified for participation in the individual distances,
and seventeen nations for participation in the mixed team relay.
The World Games orienteering events take place 16-20 July 2009.